Chair’s report - November 2005
Carol was RAC certified in 1996 and currently teaches hand and foot reflexology in Quebec. She has served on RAC’s board, as Chair, since 2002.
The recent RAC conference in Halifax, NS, was a huge success thanks to the team of committed volunteers. Thank you to everyone who contributed their time and positive energy, including special thanks to Tanya Murray Freeman, the conference coordinator. Our RAC maritime members lived up to their reputation of being exceedingly warm and friendly! The presenters and workshops proved very popular and feedback to-date indicates that members feel they received great value for their money.
Attending a RAC conference is like being part of a big happy family gathering. You are welcomed with open arms like a long lost relative and experience the feeling of being home again. It’s exciting and exhausting, busy and stimulating. You’re trying to catch up with people you haven’t seen since the last conference and to connect with as many new people as possible. You want to take it all in because, before you know it, it’s over and you wish you had spoken to one more person …or squeezed in another workshop… or bought one more gadget to enhance your reflexology practice. You are sad and wistful when it comes time to say goodbye. You want to hold on, for just a few moments longer, so that you can log into your memories later on and rekindle the feelings you had of belonging to such an incredible group of like-minded people who share your passion, love, and enthusiasm for reflexology.
Those who attended the conference worked hard to be there and were rewarded for their efforts. The energy generated at the conference gave us a boost that will enhance our reflexology practices and last until our next gathering in Kelowna, BC, on September 22, 2022. Start saving your loonies - this 30th anniversary conference will be a very special one indeed! Keep checking the RAC website for further details as they become available.
As for board news, we owe a huge debt of gratitude to Maria Krohmer and Rob Campbell for having served you, the members, so incredibly well during their tenure. Both have recently completed their terms on the RAC board. We are pleased to welcome two new board members, Susan Lippert (AB) and Marie McLelland-Leger (ON).
Please note that we are currently seeking two additional board members. If you are interested in becoming a part of the exciting changes coming RAC’s way, or if you know someone you feel would bring valuable experience to the position, please contact the office to request an application form. Participation on the RAC Board is an enriching experience and offers fabulous opportunities for growth. It is open to all RAC members - including new members.
Thank you all for your past support and I look forward to our future together.
Carol Faguy