Canada's National Association

Committed to developing highly trained reflexologists
since 1976

Chapters Overview


Calgary Chapter
Chapter activities planned:
Sep 20th, 2005 Reiki- trained Calgary Chapter members will provide an insight into their modality. Best things about it: Great guest speakers amongst ourselves (and no fee for the guest speakers.)

Past Chapter gathering: April 19th, 2005
Guest speaker: Chiropractor at his office location. Interesting and informative. Downfall: fee from Chapter kitty had to be paid to the guest speaker.

Between April 19th and Sep 19th, 2005, Chapter members will be in teams of two and provide "Reciprocal feet". Cost is $20/each. Monies raised (approx $240) will go to RAC.

All Calgary Chapter gatherings will be held on the third Tuesday of a chosen/voted in month. There will be approximately 3 or 4 gatherings a year.

British Columbia

British Columbia Chapter
The RAC BC Chapter held a workshop and Annual General Meeting on February 5, 2005. Their guest speaker, Wendy Humphreys Tebbutt, gave a presentation on Understanding Your Client at First Glance. The British Columbia Chapter meets four times per year. The meetings are held throughout the the province and include various locations � Vancouver area, Vancouver Island and the Okanagan.

The chapter has a board of directors (chair, secretary/treasurer, newsletter, webmaster and membership) who are all certified reflexologists. The chapter has 40 members who are all RAC-certified and current members of the association.

The Board meets by email as well as face-to-face prior to a general meeting. General meetings usually last an hour and are followed by a guest speaker or exchange sessions. The chapter issues a newsletter four times per year and maintains a referral website.

A chapter brochure is also available.

Dues are: - $20 for certified members who receive their newsletter by email - $25 for certified members who receive their newsletter by Canada Post - $10 for students.

Contact: Diane Wiebe (250) 767-3144

Our website is:


Manitoba Chapter
The Manitoba Chapter in Winnipeg, Manitoba meets every month except for July, August, and December. Meetings are one-and-a-half hours long. They include an hour-long presentation by a member or a local group on a variety of topics. Occasionally, members exchange treatments and also enjoy sharing success stories within the group. The chapter�s coordinating committee meets when required, usually once a month. The chapter has approximately 30 members who pay an annual membership fee of $20.

The chapter puts on a spring and fall seminar. Previous seminars have been on aromatherapy and reflexology. The chapter also produces a newsletter called "Foot Notes" and has information packages for new members.

Contact: Sherri Gunn (204) 799-4325 or [email protected]


Niagara Chapter
The Niagara Chapter has a membership of approximately 150 people and is growing every year. A dedicated core group regularly attends the quarterly meetings. Meetings are generally held the third Thursday of every third month.

Meeting dates for 2005 are:
Dates: March 17/05, June 16/05, September 15/05 and December 8/05.
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: St Antoine�s Church, 4570 Portage Rd. Niagara Falls ON
The chapter charges $2.00 for attendance at the meetings. The money collected is used to purchase space at health shows and to provide coffee, tea and milk at the meetings.
A very successful event for the chapter is always the �Fair and Fete� at the Shaw Festival grounds, where $830.00 was collected in 2004 for the various charities represented there. This event is held on the holiday Monday in August every year.

In 2005, the Niagara Chapter is heading up a fundraiser in the form of a big ticket item raffle. The chapter is also looking into getting space at one of the big malls where it will be offering mini treatments for a small fee.

The chapter keeps its group up-to-date with what is going on with RAC and is devoted to helping in any way it can. The chapter is still working on getting all its members online via e-mail, in order to have easier access to members and to keep them abreast of all news needing to be shared. If there are any members from the Niagara District who have not sent their email, address please forward it to Danielle Conto (email below) with �Niagara Chapter member email address� in the subject line. Please include your full name so that the correct information can be added to the emailing list.

Contact: Danielle Conto, Niagara Chapter Chairperson (905) 358-6932 or [email protected]

Toronto Chapter
The Toronto Chapter was launched in January 2005.
The membership has monthly meetings on Sunday afternoons
from 2:00 - 4:00 PM at the Edithvale Community Centre, 7 Edithvale Drive in Toronto.

Meetings are followed by an exchange session for members. This is an excellent opportunity for students to work on their case studies and for certified reflexologist to receive a session.

Chapter membership fee for the year is $30.00.

Meeting schedule for Sunday afternoon meetings in 2005:
Nov 13
Dec 4 *
* The meeting on December 4th is the Chapter AGM followed by the Annual Chapter Dinner Celebration (location to be announced.)

Membership benefits
1) Receiving the monthly chapter meeting minutes
2) Getting to know your fellow reflexologists in the Greater Toronto Area
3) Involvement in community events supported or sponsored by the Chapter
4) Opportunity to broaden and expand your business contacts
5) Receiving discounts on Chapter courses
6) Posting of your contact information on the Chapter Website once it is established (free advertising)
7) Furthering your education with your peers

2005 Chapter Goals and Objectives
At the February and March Chapter meetings the chapter set and finalized the 2005 Goals. The following committees have been formed to accomplish these goals:
1) Community Education Committee
2) Exhibit Presentation Committee
3) Fundraising Committee

Chapter Board members
Jeanette Sarkissian (Chair)
Ruby Hurlbut (Vice Chair)
France Trudeau (Secretary)
Sandra Bell (Treasurer)
Rob Campbell (Teacher Liaison)
Mary-Kay Perris (Teacher Liaison)

* The Chapter Board has monthly focus meetings to prepare and organize Chapter meetings.

We invite you to be an active participant of the RAC Toronto Chapter!

If you are interested in joining the Toronto Chapter please contact:
Jeanette Sarkissian at 416-494-8098 or [email protected]


Montreal Chapter
The Montreal Chapter meets every two months (except July and August)
on the third Sunday of the month.
Meetings are from 1:30pm to 4:30pm and are held at:
Unity Church
3455 Girouard Ave, NDG

The first chapter meeting in 2005 will be held on January 16. The Chapter's Board of Directors (elected in November 2004) consists of a chair, vice-chair, secretary and treasurer. The Board meets prior to each Chapter meeting.

There are currently 32 members in the chapter.

Some of the Chapter�s success stories in the last quarter of 2004 were participating at the following exhibitions:
- International Conference re. Aging to Aging Well at the Centre-Ville Hotel
- 2nd Annual Caregivers Week at Ruby Foos Hotel
- Health and Wellness Fair at the Olympic Stadium

The Board�s objectives in 2005 are:
- to increase membership
- to participate at more exhibitions
- to increase funds in the Chapter
- to establish a quarterly newsletter
- to prepare a membership package with policies and guidelines of the Chapter.

To date, the Board has created:
- a membership application form
- a Rules and Guidelines document for the chapter
- a Mission Statement (to be finalized on May 15)

To view and/or download the Chapter's 2005 Events Calendar, please click here.

Contact: Mabel Woods 514-489-6320 or [email protected]

New Brunswick There are presently no RAC chapters in New Brunswick.

Nova Scotia There are presently no RAC chapters in Nova Scotia.


The Saskatchewan chapter currently has 28 members. The Board of Directors is comprised of:
Chairperson, Shirley LaChapelle-Stubbe, [email protected]
Treasurer, Ljiljana Pospisil-Schmidt, [email protected]
Vice-President, Estelle Hay, [email protected]
Membership Secretary & Newsletter Editor, Leanne Ecklund,[email protected]
Position of Secretary presently vacant.

The Chapter Objectives: Their main objective is to spread the knowledge and understanding of reflexology to society as well as to the medical field, so it would be recognized and accepted as a beneficial component to the general health and well-being of all (at least on the level that massage therapy is recognized).

To provide an environment of support and friendship to new as well as practising practitioners.

To offer opportunities for continued learning.

Chapter News and Events: In May 2004 - James Minckler workshop, Level I - 20 in attendance. He is planning another workshop September 24 through 28, 2005, presenting Level I and II.

July 2004, Saskatchewan Reflexology Week declared, endorsed by Mayor of Regina, who presented the Chapter with a Certificate of Declaration. Past-President Constance Davidson interviewed by local TV station and Newspaper on Reflexology. Large coverage within province; very well done! Planning on declaring another Saskatchewan Reflexology Week, budget permitting.

Saskatchewan Chapter website launched!

Chapter Participation in Health Expo in October 2004, hosted by a local MD. Very successful and exciting. Many MD's and professional speakers took part who work with alternate health. Extremely busy booth for the 3 days, where each Reflexologist had a station, explained about reflexology and gave mini-treatments. Fantastic opportunity, exposure for Reflexology! Possible annual Health Fair, perhaps alternating with Saskatoon?

Treatment exchange nights ongoing. Give a treatment and receive one.

Next General Membership Meeting June 21, 7:30 PM, presentation on Bio-Feedback Therapies.

Many invitations to present Reflexology to Health Fairs, private clubs and groups.

Truly a Chapter on the move!

    About RAC