Chapter Rights and Responsibilities
The Reflexology Association of Canada (RAC) bylaws define the relationship between the Association and Chapters. The bylaws instruct Chapters or local Associations on their obligations and duties.
Chapters are defined as five or more RAC members who gather to promote reflexology. They may do this by offering workshops or seminars, participating in local health fairs, doing charity work, providing opportunities for networking and by supporting the endeavours, requirements and regulations of RAC. Chapters can be provincial or a district or city within the province.
Chapters all have copies of the bylaws, have an opportunity to post events in the newsletter and a write up of their chapter as well as contact information on the website. Paperwork support and information is available to chapters through RAC. RAC sends newly certified members an invitation to join chapters. RAC members can belong to any chapter.
Chapters were started because in a country as large as Canada it is difficult for distant members to participate at the national level, even though the RAC AGMs are alternated in east and west locations. Chapters provide an opportunity for members to participate at the community level and promote reflexology within their jurisdiction. Some of this is done through health trade shows and these shows afford the opportunity of fund raising, as each chapter is self sufficient in funding.
Chapters provide camaraderie amongst reflexologists and support the business development of fledgling reflexologists. Each chapter is unique and meetings vary. They may include exchange sessions or host guest speakers who inform the membership of other modalities or techniques that will enhance their practice or be question and answer sessions. Chapters provide opportunities for leadership and involvement as a director or in other capacities. Chapters can be a resource to groups looking for public speakers.
The mission of the Reflexology Association of Canada Chapters is to advance the understanding and knowledge of Reflexology both for its members and for society as a whole. Chapters will accomplish this by focusing on education, publicity and activism in local health events and forums. Chapters provide a supportive environment for mentorship and camaraderie amongst practitioners.
Irene Melnyk started the first chapter in Winnipeg by encouraging reflexologists to meet in each others homes, discuss cases and do each others feet. The BC Chapter was started by Ollie Bailey, another woman with a passion for reflexology. The first meeting was June 1992 in the basement of her home. The membership grew to the point they started moving the meetings around the province, and that tradition has continued.
Chapters continue to expand and flourish. Many chapters are getting started as members see the value in working alongside fellow reflexologists to promote the art of reflexology to its potential. Chapters can be �Fruitful in Unity�, so we invite you to please join with us.