Canada's National Association

Committed to developing highly trained reflexologists
since 1976

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Restructuring News - May 2004

This next month for RAC is critical. The very survival for RAC as a viable organization depends on two distinct outcomes: the response from RAC members for the renewal and improvement fee request; and the willingness of RAC creditors to allow time and space to plan, and then accept a debt repayment plan. As we write this to you today we can say �so far so good�. Over 900 members have renewed to date (we need 1500 as an annual minimum) and the cheques have been going out to teachers and other creditors.

Clear and open communication will be vital as we progress towards the RAC restructuring that was outlined in our letters to the membership in December of 2003. A network of �news bulletins� will be directed towards the membership in the form of emails, website updates, chapter information pieces, and regular mailings when costs permit.

A number of RAC members are working together behind the scenes to change how RAC members work together and we are excited at the developments taking place. Current initiatives include the establishment of new systems at Winnipeg head office, discussions with and about more support for Chapters, analysis of the PCT (education) side of RAC, people working on the website, setting up new financial record keeping, etc. The Board of Directors and the Transition Team will started their work in February with full agendas.

An important part of the work being done is on the issue of liability insurance. While the Board has dropped the concept that insurance is mandatory for members, it still is of the belief that insurance should be considered by all practicing Reflexologists. To that end we have been investigating companies who will deal with members directly, and the information gathered so far is offered to you elsewhere in this website.

We are feeling encouraged by the response so far from members who have chosen to renew with RAC. You are invited to participate by letting your opinions be known and by sharing the information with current and other RAC members. We will be in touch often.

For the Reflexology Association of Canada


Carol Faguy Board Chairperson [email protected]

Philip Lander Transition Consultant [email protected]

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