Canada's National Association

Committed to developing highly trained reflexologists
since 1976

Conference Information

Corporate Sponsorship


Corporate sponsorship opportunities are also available for you and your business. If you would like to sponsor all or part of the conference, we could attach your corporate name to the following conference events or speakers:

  • Opening Ceremonies;
  • Opening Plenary Session;
  • Idea Exchange Luncheon;
  • Annual General Meeting;
  • Closing Reception;
  • Bright Lights Banquet;
  • Lynne Booth; or
  • James Minckler.
Corporate sponsorship benefits include all benefits listed above, as well as:
  • An opportunity to directly address conference delegates during the session(s) or event(s) you have selected to sponsor;
  • If you are sponsoring a speaker, you or your representative will be given the opportunity to introduce yourself, your company and the speaker;
  • A half-page advertisement in one of the Reflexology Association of Canada's publications during the 2003 - 2004 fiscal year.
  • A single direct mail to all RAC members.
To immediately confirm your space at the Trade Show or your sponsorship of a conference event or speaker, please complete the attached registration form and either mail it or fax it to the address on the form.

We look forward to seeing you at the 2003 Reflexology Association of Canada Annual Conference!

Michael Tryon, Conference Manager
Reflexology Association of Canada
c/o: 17607-91 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5Z 2M1
(780)478-2366 Fax: (780)473-2950
Pager: (780)424-7248 #1111


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